Explore The Position-Marketing Chair

Marketing Chair


  • Fulfill the functions of the Marketing Committee
    • Marketing
    • Mass communications
    • Publication / Newsletter development (minimum four annually)
    • Website / LinkedIn maintenance
    • Online tools and service development
    • Gala Brochure support
  • Conduct monthly meetings.
  • Participate in annual planning and budgeting process.
  • Seek new chapter members; assist in fundraising efforts
  • Responsible for transitioning and educating incoming Communications Chair on roles/responsibilities and other pertinent documents
  • Participate in monthly Committee Chair calls and will be expected to report out on event strengths and weaknesses
  • Provide active support to other committees and work in collaboration with other committee chairs


  • Organizational, time management, and administrative skills
  • Ideally, familiarity with marketing, public relations and communications
  • Member in good standing with chapter for a least one year

Term of Office

  • One (1) Year

 Time Commitment

  • Average 7‐10 hours per month
  • Miss no more than 2 board of directors meetings annually
  • Highly encouraged to attend all events, with requested attendance at Cocktails with the Chief, Gala, Past President’s Boat Ride and Holiday Party, and other functions as necessary.